Recent Stories

Dreams of Durga: Unveiling Forgotten Faces


I once had a very troubling dream where I saw the furious face of a woman goddess. I couldn’t understand why my mind was troubling me so much. Maybe because I am feeling fearful about my future, the uncertainty of it. Or maybe I am trying to recall the stories that I heard when I was young but not able to exactly remember the story. I was unable to point to one answer, and that made me feel a little lost. And thus, somehow some things are just left unresolved.
Years later, I was walking in the Crafts Museum in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. To my surprise, I saw a wooden sculpture of the Hindu goddess Durga who looked exactly like the face that was troubling me in my dreams! I read the label and thought to myself, "Wow! A tribe made this, that too so long ago!" And here it is sitting inside a museum, utterly ignored. I quickly took a snapshot of it to tell my friends about this but hesitated. After all, this might sound interesting to me but not to others simply because it's not what they are experiencing at this moment. And thus, some stories remain untold.

Sketches of Solitude: Capturing Grandfather's Serenity


I was getting bored today, so I downloaded this app where I can create drawings. I was so excited as I had never tried this before! But alas, I was confused about what to draw.
Maybe I just don’t have anything interesting to share? Or maybe I would like to share, but don’t know how to, or just feel that it's too difficult to be vulnerable at this point in time. So I drew something that was simple, and I am sure all artists are asked to do this in their beginning classes: to draw what is there, outside, in front of you.
And today, my dada ji was sitting in front of me; he seemed bored too and relaxed as well. Bored because he is not working right now, has come to Delhi to spend his holidays, and has been complaining since morning that he has nothing to do. He also seems relaxed right now because I can see him sitting still on the balcony and soaking himself in the sun.

"Echoes of Longing: A Desperate Yearning for Lost Embrace"


I can't be with you because I don't see my best version when I am with you! I interrupt you so much because I get bothered of the way you think, feel or act, but in reality I would never want to end up denying the goodness I have seen in you.
By deciding not to be with you I might loose touch with you and would eventually lose the essence of you. Why don't you see how much desperate I am to be with you? Can't you see how badly I want you to change only for me, for us?!

Distance Unfelt: Aching Chasms


Distance between the eyes Distance between two beings
The distance I am unable to feel The distance I am unable to reach
This distance is so real yet I feel so uneasy As I sense a distance between you and me.

Drained: A Chronicle of Weariness


I was feeling exhausted, so much so that my body was feeling droopy. Sleep does help me alot when I am tired but today I felt like drawing out this feeling. I am not very good at it so I tried a few sketches by pencil and then decided on making the final one, this is how it turned out. I felt quite happy by the final drawing.